Friday, March 13, 2020

The tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy it in any way, do not resize it or claim it’s as your own.
Tube by Zindy
Can be bought HERE
FTU,  Remember When
Font : Trashed

New image 700x700, white background
This time I did not resize elements
Start with frame RW_FrameEl02
Position the left and beside paste another frame RW_FrameEl01
Add shadow and behind it paste paper RW_Paper04
Erase the excess paper so it just behind the frames
Paste the tube in. add shadow
behind the tube add elements RW_ClocksEl01
Position to the left, duplicate and mirror
And then element  RW_FlowerCluster
Also, duplicate and just move it with arrow up
(click few time to you liking)
On top of that another element RW_MaskEl01
Now in front of the tube position flower RW_FlowerEl03
Also on top of that, RW_StringEl01, add shadow
Also, I added the mast at the back
I used black colour and then just added a mask
Not sure where did I get this one
(if anyone knows let me know)

Don’t forget copyright

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy it in any way, do not resize it or claim it’s as your own.
Tube by Misticheskaya
Can be bought at PFD

FTU,  Queen of peacocks can also downloaded at PFD
Font : Acryle script

New image 700x700, white background
I just want to mention that all elements have to be resized by 40%
Start with the frame, element 26
Behind that past the  paper06
Select frame layer, magic wand and select inside the frame
Selections modify expand by 10
Paste the tube and add shadow
Now on to elements
I started with element 31Paste in front of the tube
Also, duplicate the same element and paste behind the paper
Position  to the left
Paste the element 01 position behind the paper to the right
On the left element 44
Elements in front at the right bottom corners
In order:  6, 8, 34, 46 and 50
On top element 53

Don’t forget copyright


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