Saturday, May 25, 2019
Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy it in any way, do not resize, edit it or claim it’s as your own.
Ftu kit called Fruit Graden
Can found here at Dreamworls design:
Tube from:  Verymany
Can be bought here:
Template from Elegant inspirations

Beautiful  mask from Vivienne’s Paintbox
Font: The Blacklist

Open the template and copy as new image and close the original
(ctrl + shift)
Add white background if there is none.
It is easier to work , at least for me, more visible
The template is a different color so no on to changing colors
I picked the kit and tube and then matched the colors.
Most of you know how to do that.
I will not go into the details for every part of the template
First, if you want to fill up with the background image
Select the layer you want to fill up
Use magic wand to select inside
Go to selection, float, defloat
Paste the background you want to use
Go to selections again and select invert
Press delete on keyboard

If you want to color the part of the template
You do the same selection part,
Magic wand, float, defloat and then with flood fill tube press on the layer
Paste you be in the middle of the template
Or if you like you can change position to your liking
Copy tube and position over part you want to see her face
Please see picture attached

Place tube over the layer
Select the layer with magic wand
select tube layer again and go to selection invert and delete
This makes sure you do not have any unwanted parts of the tube
Change the blend mode on the layer
I used soft light on one in front and the rest of the overlay
In all I repeated this 5 times
I like when my tag looks full
Go to last layer make a new layer fill up with pink color
Load the mask of your choice
I provided link of some stunning one in the beginning
Merge the layer and bring it in just behind the tube
It bring some special effect and fill ups the tag
I copied once more and then again pasted in on the second last layer

Now on to elements:
I used most form the third folder
Started with DW_FruitGarden83, resize by 30% and position more to the left
Copy and mirror the image
I used flower DW_FruitGarden109, resize by 20%
I duplicated few times (5 or 6) and positioned behind the tube again
Another flower DW_FruitGarden88,resize by 20%
Position more to the bottom duplicate mirror
I also used DW_FruitGarden116, between the flowers
If you see small writing on the tag I used a brush
I do not know where I got it but you can use any you have and like
You choose the layer where you want colors and just stamped on it

Add copyright and that is it!!
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me,


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